Risk Management

Drone Operator Insurance – when you need it and common FAQ

Why do I need insurance?  Operating a drone commercially (if you’re not flying down the park for fun, it is most likely a commercial operation) imposes strict liability on both the pilot and owner of the drone jointly and severally. This essentially means that, as a pilot or owner of a drone, you could lose …

Drone Operator Insurance – when you need it and common FAQ Read More »

Drone being used on farmland showing how the commercial drone industry is changing agricultural practices

The Commercial Drone Industry – a dive into Agriculture

The commercial drone industry is becoming more and more a part of life for so many businesses. To quote a Techcrunch article to illustrate the point – “The FAA has been registering drones for less than four years and already there are four times as many drones — 1.5 million — on the books as manned …

The Commercial Drone Industry – a dive into Agriculture Read More »

Setting up a drone for flight and avoiding drone operational risks

Assessing Risk at Precision Autonomy – The Operational Pillar

The fundamental premise of Insurance is to be able to accurately assess the risk of financial loss associated with the given policy constraints. In the instance of drones, there are three key pillars that dictate risks – Human, Technology and Operations. Precision Autonomy’s Risk Management Framework separates these key pillars into individual metrics, which make up a …

Assessing Risk at Precision Autonomy – The Operational Pillar Read More »

An operator is remotely piloting a drone using his phone and controller, which can lead to drone technological risks

Assessing Risk at Precision Autonomy – The Technology Pillar

The fundamental premise of Insurance is to be able to accurately assess the risk of financial loss associated with the given policy constraints. In the instance of drones, there are three key pillars that dictate risks – Human, Technology and Operations. Precision Autonomy’s Risk Management Framework separates these key pillars into individual metrics, which make up a …

Assessing Risk at Precision Autonomy – The Technology Pillar Read More »

a man operates a drone, showing the human element in drone operations

Assessing Risk at Precision Autonomy – The Human Pillar

The fundamental premise of Insurance is to be able to accurately assess the risk of financial loss associated with the given policy constraints. In the instance of drones, there are three key pillars that dictate risks – Human, Technology and Operations. Precision Autonomy’s Risk Management Framework separates these key pillars into individual metrics, which make …

Assessing Risk at Precision Autonomy – The Human Pillar Read More »

a man operates a drone, showing the human element in drone operations

Drones are Aircraft. Managing the Liability risk should be treated accordingly – part 4: Bringing it all together

This is part four of a four-part series, on drones and their liability implications, shining light on the insurance market, how to navigate the noise, and ensure that your operation is covered for the appropriate risks. See Part one, two or three. Our final instalment  brings all three parts together, emphasising the need for managing drone …

Drones are Aircraft. Managing the Liability risk should be treated accordingly – part 4: Bringing it all together Read More »

Flying drones safely using drone insurance underwriters

Drones are Aircraft. Managing their liability risk should be treated accordingly. Part 3 – Mitigating risk: Seek out a knowledgeable, tuned in broker

This is part three of a four-part series, on drones and their liability implications, shining light on the insurance market, navigating the noise, and ensuring that your operation is covered for the appropriate risks. Part three discusses the importance of a knowledgeable drone insurance broker.

Drones being classified as aircrafts makes acquiring drone liability insurance difficult for operators

Drones are Aircraft. Managing the liability risk should be treated accordingly – part 1

This is part one of a four-part series, on drones and their liability implications, shining light on the insurance market, and how to navigate the noise, and ensure that your operation is covered for the appropriate risks. Part one focuses on the complexity of acquiring the correct drone liability insurance. As drones continue to prove …

Drones are Aircraft. Managing the liability risk should be treated accordingly – part 1 Read More »